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Thursday, April 10, 2008

#9: "From Alpha To...": WhoIsDat (4/10/08)

Alright, what can we say about this CelebriTot? This actress is prolific in the Hollywood industry (but you already knew that). A fluent Welsh speaker, her father was the manager of a candy factory. It may explain why she is fan of musicals like Mary Poppins (or maybe Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...). I guess her love of musicals did not help her singing career, only one single made it to the Top 75 (in the UK). She was a feature in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World" which is great. However, in one year, she dropped from #68 to #82. But to end on a good note, she and her husband of almost 8 years share the same birthday (so no excuse for forgetting).


She's so cute in that picture. She's only gotten better... IN THE FLESH

We're BACK!

Boy, does it feel good to be home. Thank you to everyone who have been so supportive during the last month. It has really helped.

But now, onto business. Say What? is back and ready to kick it into full gear. All new questions are coming your way, and we are looking for more and more people to come to this site.

We've also got a few writing spots open, so if you think you've got some talent, flaunt it on this site!

Finally, in the coming weeks, we hope to be premiering some new features on this site that we think you will enjoy.

That's it for now, so onto the good stuff!