Get ready to twist your brain around these puzzles and games as Say What? humorously attempts to educate you about the world around you. This website thrives on audience participation. We can write all the crap we want, but without feedback from you, the reader/contestant/contributor, we're just another waste of cyberspace. So participate in our games or even submit material of your own to the website (contact the webmaster for more info). With frequent updates, you'll never know what will come up next. And if you're not careful, you might learn something irreverent...

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

GSE #1

There is a "Game Show Extravaganza" happening this Thrusday, October 30th 2008 with some great games and prizes available. If you are at this site, they you might wonder what games may be in store.

Well, rather than tell you, let's have a little fun with this. The following are a list of common phrases you might hear on specific game show. Read each one and identify the show. See how many you can get.

1. "This Game Is Called Hole In One... Or Two"
2. "Final?"
3. "There Are 4 T's"
4. "That's The Secret Square!"
5. "As They Take A Look At The Word, We'd Like You To See It, Too"
6. "If You Hear This Sound--*Buzz Buzz*--You've Duplicated An Answer And You'll Need To Try Again"
7. "Dumb Dora Is So Dumb..."
8. "You Have 3 Cheats To Help You Out"
9. "Door #1, Door #2, Or Door #3?"
10. "Next Time You're At The Checkout Counter And You Hear The Beep--*Beep Beep*..."
11. "Greg, Go Away."

Have fun with these, and we'll see you in the Lightning Round.