Get ready to twist your brain around these puzzles and games as Say What? humorously attempts to educate you about the world around you. This website thrives on audience participation. We can write all the crap we want, but without feedback from you, the reader/contestant/contributor, we're just another waste of cyberspace. So participate in our games or even submit material of your own to the website (contact the webmaster for more info). With frequent updates, you'll never know what will come up next. And if you're not careful, you might learn something irreverent...

Please email your answers to Use the comment space for comments about a specific post or our site in general. (No answers in the comment section, please)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

#17: "Projections Seem High": CinePerplex (5/7/09)

Simple question for this one:

Name the most profitable American movie currently ever made.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Clinging On

"Say What" was created over one year ago. Since then, I've posted nearly 20 different rounds. But It's been a long long time since the last one. I'd like to say that this summer will be different. But I can't promise that. It's hard to keep this site updated when virtually nobody visits or gives input. It's just tough cause I don't know how to make this site better without any feedback.

Anyway, I'm going to do my best to keep this site alive by posting little by little. But if you are a visitor of site, please leave some feedback. It would be much appreciated.
