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Friday, February 1, 2008

#2: "A Cool Breeze Of A Puzzle": WhoIsDat (2/1/08)

Thanks to everyone who has posted something so far. I'll keep the Whaddayacallit up for a few more days before I reveal the answer, so keep those ideas coming.

Now it's time for a new game, this time called WhoIsDat, where now we are dealing with people. Your job this time: figure out who this person is. Of course, some clues will be provided.

This celebrity for our first WhoIsDat is mainly famous for their work in movies, though they have been on TV. In fact, this star has been in over 50 films and television shows. This celeb once held a job as a ice skate sharpener (what fun). But I guess that makes sense since they were an MVP on the high school hockey team as a goalie. Honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, I guess the only thing left to ask is...
WhoIsDat? You know where to post. (Also, try to refrain from extensively using Google or IMDB to get the answer. Try making a guess using your own brain power...)

ANSWER TIME: To bring you the identity of this person, we've provided a link to their IMDb page, so that you may fawn over their illustrious carrier... START FAWNING

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MY guess: Thats little Emelio Estivez
