Get ready to twist your brain around these puzzles and games as Say What? humorously attempts to educate you about the world around you. This website thrives on audience participation. We can write all the crap we want, but without feedback from you, the reader/contestant/contributor, we're just another waste of cyberspace. So participate in our games or even submit material of your own to the website (contact the webmaster for more info). With frequent updates, you'll never know what will come up next. And if you're not careful, you might learn something irreverent...

Please email your answers to Use the comment space for comments about a specific post or our site in general. (No answers in the comment section, please)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

#16: "Let's Build A Better One...": MediaFusion

MediaFusion requires you to decipher some clues to come up with the correct answer. It's our answer to the question "What if 'so-and-so' and 'what's-that-called' were mixed together?"

Here's a simple example:

"If a famous Pamplona event and an Alces-and-Pteromyini team were mixed together, it would probably be called..."

...and the answer would be...

"Running Of The Bullwinkle and Rocky"

See? Now You Try.

It was recently announced that a major music mogul is going to collaborate with a prolific author to release a new musical. Here is the blurb from the upcoming show:

"From the West End to the West Side! Watch as a group of strangers whose lives seem to be unrelated to each other find out that one simple act of infidelity can set off a chain reaction of increasingly outrageous events that ties everyone together. Can the audience figure out the madness before the murderer strikes again? Or will no one be able to "check out?" The collaborators are excited to set the wheels in motion towards setting a new World Record, this time for the longest initial run for a theatrical musical."

Name the new "musical" that is being produced. And for bonus points, identify the two people that would most likely be involved in this project.

#15: "Will You Just Taste The Soup?": PlayItBack (9/23/08)

Another PlayItBack for you to sink your teeth into, this time with audio only!

Listen to THIS CLIP and then...

First, identify the movie that the clip comes from.

Then, if you want to try to impress us, tell us how many characters the two leads collectively played in the movie.

And if you really want to impress us, then you can also tell us what future game show host has a role in this film.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

#14: "Not As True As You Think": PlayItBack (9/18/08)

PlayItBack are challenges that feature visual or audio elements. It's one of the new games we are going to feature on this site. It's pretty cool, the things we can do. Anyway, on to the challenge:

What do the title character from this movie:

...and these guys:

Have in common?

You need to be specific with your answer. Remember, send your answers to and not on the comment link (but still feel free to post comments there)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Say It Loud! But Not That Loud...

Say What? has been evolving ever so slowly in the past few weeks, and we have a new feature to present.

Up until this point, visitors could post answers on our site via the comment link. But as some of you may have noticed, the comment feature had mysteriously disappeared.

We are going to reinstate the comment feature, however, we ask that you do not post your answers there. Instead, answers can be submitted to In the subject line, just put the number of the puzzle you are answering. Once we've posed the correct answer, we'll post some of the more interesting emails we got for that challenge (so try to make it interesting).

Feel free to still leave us comments on the comments page, just no answers from this point forward.

Don't forget to sign up for our Turnabout Tournament. You'll be glad you did...

Turn Around, Bright Eyes!

For the past few weeks, our crack tram of scientists have been working on something so top secret, not even they know what they have been working on. But it is finally ready to be revealed.

We are proud to announce our first competition which we are affectionately calling:This is a 2 week Tournament that we are hosting. The rules are fairly simple:

Every 2 days, we will reveal a challenge for you to complete in. You'll receive points based on how you do. At the end of the two weeks, whichever person has the most points will win it. There are some special things that we should note, though...

*You won't know how many points you have until the very end.
*This is called a "Turnabout" Tournament because YOU will be providing a lot of help during the tournament. How, you ask? You'll have to see...

We really want this to be successful, so the more people that sign up the better. We hope to start this soon, so if you would like to get in on this tournament, send an email to the We beg you.

The prize will be worth it, and more information about the TurnTour will be forthcoming.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

#13: "Not One More Peep Out Of You!": Fictionary (9/9/08)

It's Fictionary time again. Let's open up the book and choose a word. *Thunk*

This is an interesting word. I had no idea that it existed until today. Like most words, this one has a specific meaning. This one is a noun. That's all. Have fun.

#12: "One Of These Days, Alice...": FieldTripped (9/9/08)

Take a look at this beautiful rocket. Pretty nice, eh? This is an example of an ELV, otherwise known as an Expendable Launch Vehicle. Think of it as a "one-time use rocket" if you will. This particular one is launching from a launch pad in a specific country. Your job for this FieldTripped is to figure out where. Here's some help:

This country is located in the northern hemisphere. It uses the euro as its form of currency. With a 2007 population estimate of 209,000, its exports include shrimp, timber, gold, and rum. The country is not very big, with about an area of 83,534 km². You can find Devil's Island near here as well. The only other thing we'll say is that it is an Overseas Department (since 1946); one of four actually.

Turn And Face The Strange

A BRAND NEW season of Say What? is beginning. This is very exciting, because that means ch-ch-changes are in store. A new color scheme, a new logo, and some new games are coming your way.

We're also hoping to attract a larger fan base then the current one we have (big thanks the the 3 devoted followers we have currently; we have not forgotten you). So we urge you to spread the word.

In the coming weeks, we are also going to introduce a contest with an actual decent prize. More to come on that.

In the meantime, take a good look at our past posts, because we are going forward and we're not looking back. Hopefully. (Did we leave the stove on? We'd better go back and check.)

#11: "OOOOOOOOH, That Smarts!": ThisJustIn (9/9/08)


At first glance, these seem like random words. And, yes, they are. But they also happen to be types of a certain living thing. Your job is to figure out what it is.

Here's a clue: the reason why this is being filled under ThisJustIn is because this living this was prominent in the news fairly recently. Conventionally, I should give another more obvious clue. But I'm not. I do have a Heart, though, so don't be mad at me.