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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

#16: "Let's Build A Better One...": MediaFusion

MediaFusion requires you to decipher some clues to come up with the correct answer. It's our answer to the question "What if 'so-and-so' and 'what's-that-called' were mixed together?"

Here's a simple example:

"If a famous Pamplona event and an Alces-and-Pteromyini team were mixed together, it would probably be called..."

...and the answer would be...

"Running Of The Bullwinkle and Rocky"

See? Now You Try.

It was recently announced that a major music mogul is going to collaborate with a prolific author to release a new musical. Here is the blurb from the upcoming show:

"From the West End to the West Side! Watch as a group of strangers whose lives seem to be unrelated to each other find out that one simple act of infidelity can set off a chain reaction of increasingly outrageous events that ties everyone together. Can the audience figure out the madness before the murderer strikes again? Or will no one be able to "check out?" The collaborators are excited to set the wheels in motion towards setting a new World Record, this time for the longest initial run for a theatrical musical."

Name the new "musical" that is being produced. And for bonus points, identify the two people that would most likely be involved in this project.

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