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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

#12: "One Of These Days, Alice...": FieldTripped (9/9/08)

Take a look at this beautiful rocket. Pretty nice, eh? This is an example of an ELV, otherwise known as an Expendable Launch Vehicle. Think of it as a "one-time use rocket" if you will. This particular one is launching from a launch pad in a specific country. Your job for this FieldTripped is to figure out where. Here's some help:

This country is located in the northern hemisphere. It uses the euro as its form of currency. With a 2007 population estimate of 209,000, its exports include shrimp, timber, gold, and rum. The country is not very big, with about an area of 83,534 km². You can find Devil's Island near here as well. The only other thing we'll say is that it is an Overseas Department (since 1946); one of four actually.


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