Get ready to twist your brain around these puzzles and games as Say What? humorously attempts to educate you about the world around you. This website thrives on audience participation. We can write all the crap we want, but without feedback from you, the reader/contestant/contributor, we're just another waste of cyberspace. So participate in our games or even submit material of your own to the website (contact the webmaster for more info). With frequent updates, you'll never know what will come up next. And if you're not careful, you might learn something irreverent...

Please email your answers to Use the comment space for comments about a specific post or our site in general. (No answers in the comment section, please)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On Hiatus In 3...2...1...

Hey everyone.

Say What? will be going on hiatus for a little while. Now some of you may be asking "What's the difference, it's not like you guys update every day or something?" And you would have a point. However, some unfortunate events in the last few weeks have been keeping me from doing periodic updates like I wanted. It's not necessary to go into the details, but right now there is a family emergency going on. It's nothing that you guys need to worry about.

Anyway, we'll be posting the answers to the other posts we've done before we sign off for a while. We expect to be back up and running by the end of the month, so check in then.

Thank you to everyone who has visited, posted, or shown some sort of appreciation for this site. You don't know how much we appreciate it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#8: "Stretching The Truth": BoguSpitfire (3/5/08)

I'm on a roll today. Either that, or I'm procrastinating like nobody's business. In any case, you are treated to a double dosage today. This is the premier of BoguSpitfire, were you'll be subjected to a series of true or false statements. Your job is to separate the real from the fake.

Sometimes I wish I could take my study materials for school, place them flat on my forehead, and imprint all of that information into my brain. Granted, it would probably be backwards, but I could work with that. Then I would take that imprint and stretch it out so that I cover as much of my brain as possible.

Interestingly enough, this would be possible if my head were made of Silly Putty, which is our BoguSpitfire category for today. Coming at you are 5 statements about the play toy that you love to get stuck in your shag carpets.

One of the ingredients in the composition of Silly Putty is used to make pesticide.
#2: Silly Putty's recognizable egg shaped container has been used since they started selling it in 1949.
#3: If you put the egg with the Silly Putty inside into water, it will float; If you put the Silly Putty itself in the same water, it will sink.
#4: Silly Putty has been in orbit, specifically in 1968 with the Apollo 8 mission.
#5: Today, you can buy Silly Putty in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, and silver.

#7: "Sometimes One Hand Is All A Man Needs": Fictionary (3/5/08)

ARRRRG! English! Grammar! So scary! But you can make it through this post. I know you can.

We now open up the Fictionary and randomly place our finger on a random word on a random page... *thunk* Let's see what we've got:

Ahhh... this is a good one. "Tesseradecades" has a very special property attached to it. If you were to take you hands and place them on a standard "QWERTY" keyboard, you can type this word using only you left hand. It's actually one of the three longest words you can do that with (with the other two being aftercataracts and sweaterdresses).

I'll open the floor to suggestions as to what this word means, and then later on I'll provide a few possible definitions. No cheating either. Cause that's no fun, is it?

Side Note: It is debatable whether the final "e" in the word is actually included. But for our purposes, we're gonna leave it there.

ANSWER TIME: No jokes here... LOOK IT UP!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

#6: "He's A Pinhead Wizard": WhaddaYaCallIt (3/4/08)

I know, I know, two posts in one day? This is crazy! Don't get used to it. I'm just killing time before class starts at 10AM.

All I can tell you about this item is that it is spherical, fits in the palm of your hand, and it is very smooth to the touch. It is a part of a larger component, so keep that in mind.

There's not much else that I can, or am willing, to tell you. So get to work. Come on, Lazybones!

ANSWER TIME: This item is pretty obsolete these days. In fact, I can't think of the last time I've used one of these, much less look at one in its natural habitat (it's number 4 on the page)... TOUCH IT, BRING IT, PAY IT

#5: "And The Idiot Is...": RemoteUnControl (3/4/08)

As we turn on the television for RemoteUnControl, this question actually has to do with the presentation of movies. The Oscars have come and gone, but the memories last forever. And as much as people love to remember the glamorous moments, it's a lot cooler and funnier to remember the mess-ups.

The year: 1934, the very first Oscar ceremony, hosted by Will Rogers. The category in question is "Best Director," and when the envelope is opened the words "Come up and get it, Frank!" are exclaimed by Mr. Rogers (heh heh... Mr. Rogers; I wonder if Trolley was there).

This event should have gone through without a hitch. But if that were the case, it wouldn't be on this site. As Frank Capra, director for Lady for a Day, walked up proudly to the stage, something happened. What?

ANSWER TIME: This has to be one of the most heartbreaking stories I've ever heard associated with The Academy Awards. Well, one of the worst. Anyway, the link to the answer is provided; check out the second paragraph... HANKIES READY?

Monday, March 3, 2008


It's been a little while since I've posted something here, so I'll be getting back into the swing of things starting tomorrow. It's finals week here at school, so all I have to do is get through this week and I'll be in the clear fro Spring Break. WOOOOOO, SPRING BREAK!

I'll also be revealing the answers to the past posts; I'll post them in the posts themselves.

I'm still looking for writers who would like to contribute to this site, so if you are interested, please contact me.

Get your brains ready for all new posts...