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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#7: "Sometimes One Hand Is All A Man Needs": Fictionary (3/5/08)

ARRRRG! English! Grammar! So scary! But you can make it through this post. I know you can.

We now open up the Fictionary and randomly place our finger on a random word on a random page... *thunk* Let's see what we've got:

Ahhh... this is a good one. "Tesseradecades" has a very special property attached to it. If you were to take you hands and place them on a standard "QWERTY" keyboard, you can type this word using only you left hand. It's actually one of the three longest words you can do that with (with the other two being aftercataracts and sweaterdresses).

I'll open the floor to suggestions as to what this word means, and then later on I'll provide a few possible definitions. No cheating either. Cause that's no fun, is it?

Side Note: It is debatable whether the final "e" in the word is actually included. But for our purposes, we're gonna leave it there.

ANSWER TIME: No jokes here... LOOK IT UP!

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