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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#8: "Stretching The Truth": BoguSpitfire (3/5/08)

I'm on a roll today. Either that, or I'm procrastinating like nobody's business. In any case, you are treated to a double dosage today. This is the premier of BoguSpitfire, were you'll be subjected to a series of true or false statements. Your job is to separate the real from the fake.

Sometimes I wish I could take my study materials for school, place them flat on my forehead, and imprint all of that information into my brain. Granted, it would probably be backwards, but I could work with that. Then I would take that imprint and stretch it out so that I cover as much of my brain as possible.

Interestingly enough, this would be possible if my head were made of Silly Putty, which is our BoguSpitfire category for today. Coming at you are 5 statements about the play toy that you love to get stuck in your shag carpets.

One of the ingredients in the composition of Silly Putty is used to make pesticide.
#2: Silly Putty's recognizable egg shaped container has been used since they started selling it in 1949.
#3: If you put the egg with the Silly Putty inside into water, it will float; If you put the Silly Putty itself in the same water, it will sink.
#4: Silly Putty has been in orbit, specifically in 1968 with the Apollo 8 mission.
#5: Today, you can buy Silly Putty in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, and silver.

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