Get ready to twist your brain around these puzzles and games as Say What? humorously attempts to educate you about the world around you. This website thrives on audience participation. We can write all the crap we want, but without feedback from you, the reader/contestant/contributor, we're just another waste of cyberspace. So participate in our games or even submit material of your own to the website (contact the webmaster for more info). With frequent updates, you'll never know what will come up next. And if you're not careful, you might learn something irreverent...

Please email your answers to Use the comment space for comments about a specific post or our site in general. (No answers in the comment section, please)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On Hiatus In 3...2...1...

Hey everyone.

Say What? will be going on hiatus for a little while. Now some of you may be asking "What's the difference, it's not like you guys update every day or something?" And you would have a point. However, some unfortunate events in the last few weeks have been keeping me from doing periodic updates like I wanted. It's not necessary to go into the details, but right now there is a family emergency going on. It's nothing that you guys need to worry about.

Anyway, we'll be posting the answers to the other posts we've done before we sign off for a while. We expect to be back up and running by the end of the month, so check in then.

Thank you to everyone who has visited, posted, or shown some sort of appreciation for this site. You don't know how much we appreciate it.

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