Get ready to twist your brain around these puzzles and games as Say What? humorously attempts to educate you about the world around you. This website thrives on audience participation. We can write all the crap we want, but without feedback from you, the reader/contestant/contributor, we're just another waste of cyberspace. So participate in our games or even submit material of your own to the website (contact the webmaster for more info). With frequent updates, you'll never know what will come up next. And if you're not careful, you might learn something irreverent...

Please email your answers to Use the comment space for comments about a specific post or our site in general. (No answers in the comment section, please)

Monday, December 8, 2008

New Listocracy Promo!

One Week From Today!  More Info To Come.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2 For The Price Of None

Soon, 2 new posts will be thrown up on this site.  One will be a new Say What Challenge for you to investigate.  The other, however, will be a little different.

I've been working hard on a new game blog to start, and after a few weeks, it is almost finally ready to launch.  I don't want to ruin the surprise, but sufficed to say, it will be nice to bring this game "back from the grave."


Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Small Update

We've been gone for a little while.  Ok, a long while.  And an excuse would be included right about... here.  But, we're tired. And we don't really have the energy to come up with something right now.

Here is some new news, though.  We are going to collaborate with the every-so-popular blog Thoroughly Chloe to bring you a great new challenge.  Stay tuned for more details.

OH! And we're going to post our recent experience at Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? from a few weeks back.

Please Please PLEASE contribute to our site by sending us an email at  We always welcome some love (mainly because we have gotten no love so far).

Stay Klassy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

GSE #1

There is a "Game Show Extravaganza" happening this Thrusday, October 30th 2008 with some great games and prizes available. If you are at this site, they you might wonder what games may be in store.

Well, rather than tell you, let's have a little fun with this. The following are a list of common phrases you might hear on specific game show. Read each one and identify the show. See how many you can get.

1. "This Game Is Called Hole In One... Or Two"
2. "Final?"
3. "There Are 4 T's"
4. "That's The Secret Square!"
5. "As They Take A Look At The Word, We'd Like You To See It, Too"
6. "If You Hear This Sound--*Buzz Buzz*--You've Duplicated An Answer And You'll Need To Try Again"
7. "Dumb Dora Is So Dumb..."
8. "You Have 3 Cheats To Help You Out"
9. "Door #1, Door #2, Or Door #3?"
10. "Next Time You're At The Checkout Counter And You Hear The Beep--*Beep Beep*..."
11. "Greg, Go Away."

Have fun with these, and we'll see you in the Lightning Round.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

#16: "Let's Build A Better One...": MediaFusion

MediaFusion requires you to decipher some clues to come up with the correct answer. It's our answer to the question "What if 'so-and-so' and 'what's-that-called' were mixed together?"

Here's a simple example:

"If a famous Pamplona event and an Alces-and-Pteromyini team were mixed together, it would probably be called..."

...and the answer would be...

"Running Of The Bullwinkle and Rocky"

See? Now You Try.

It was recently announced that a major music mogul is going to collaborate with a prolific author to release a new musical. Here is the blurb from the upcoming show:

"From the West End to the West Side! Watch as a group of strangers whose lives seem to be unrelated to each other find out that one simple act of infidelity can set off a chain reaction of increasingly outrageous events that ties everyone together. Can the audience figure out the madness before the murderer strikes again? Or will no one be able to "check out?" The collaborators are excited to set the wheels in motion towards setting a new World Record, this time for the longest initial run for a theatrical musical."

Name the new "musical" that is being produced. And for bonus points, identify the two people that would most likely be involved in this project.

#15: "Will You Just Taste The Soup?": PlayItBack (9/23/08)

Another PlayItBack for you to sink your teeth into, this time with audio only!

Listen to THIS CLIP and then...

First, identify the movie that the clip comes from.

Then, if you want to try to impress us, tell us how many characters the two leads collectively played in the movie.

And if you really want to impress us, then you can also tell us what future game show host has a role in this film.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

#14: "Not As True As You Think": PlayItBack (9/18/08)

PlayItBack are challenges that feature visual or audio elements. It's one of the new games we are going to feature on this site. It's pretty cool, the things we can do. Anyway, on to the challenge:

What do the title character from this movie:

...and these guys:

Have in common?

You need to be specific with your answer. Remember, send your answers to and not on the comment link (but still feel free to post comments there)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Say It Loud! But Not That Loud...

Say What? has been evolving ever so slowly in the past few weeks, and we have a new feature to present.

Up until this point, visitors could post answers on our site via the comment link. But as some of you may have noticed, the comment feature had mysteriously disappeared.

We are going to reinstate the comment feature, however, we ask that you do not post your answers there. Instead, answers can be submitted to In the subject line, just put the number of the puzzle you are answering. Once we've posed the correct answer, we'll post some of the more interesting emails we got for that challenge (so try to make it interesting).

Feel free to still leave us comments on the comments page, just no answers from this point forward.

Don't forget to sign up for our Turnabout Tournament. You'll be glad you did...

Turn Around, Bright Eyes!

For the past few weeks, our crack tram of scientists have been working on something so top secret, not even they know what they have been working on. But it is finally ready to be revealed.

We are proud to announce our first competition which we are affectionately calling:This is a 2 week Tournament that we are hosting. The rules are fairly simple:

Every 2 days, we will reveal a challenge for you to complete in. You'll receive points based on how you do. At the end of the two weeks, whichever person has the most points will win it. There are some special things that we should note, though...

*You won't know how many points you have until the very end.
*This is called a "Turnabout" Tournament because YOU will be providing a lot of help during the tournament. How, you ask? You'll have to see...

We really want this to be successful, so the more people that sign up the better. We hope to start this soon, so if you would like to get in on this tournament, send an email to the We beg you.

The prize will be worth it, and more information about the TurnTour will be forthcoming.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

#13: "Not One More Peep Out Of You!": Fictionary (9/9/08)

It's Fictionary time again. Let's open up the book and choose a word. *Thunk*

This is an interesting word. I had no idea that it existed until today. Like most words, this one has a specific meaning. This one is a noun. That's all. Have fun.

#12: "One Of These Days, Alice...": FieldTripped (9/9/08)

Take a look at this beautiful rocket. Pretty nice, eh? This is an example of an ELV, otherwise known as an Expendable Launch Vehicle. Think of it as a "one-time use rocket" if you will. This particular one is launching from a launch pad in a specific country. Your job for this FieldTripped is to figure out where. Here's some help:

This country is located in the northern hemisphere. It uses the euro as its form of currency. With a 2007 population estimate of 209,000, its exports include shrimp, timber, gold, and rum. The country is not very big, with about an area of 83,534 km². You can find Devil's Island near here as well. The only other thing we'll say is that it is an Overseas Department (since 1946); one of four actually.

Turn And Face The Strange

A BRAND NEW season of Say What? is beginning. This is very exciting, because that means ch-ch-changes are in store. A new color scheme, a new logo, and some new games are coming your way.

We're also hoping to attract a larger fan base then the current one we have (big thanks the the 3 devoted followers we have currently; we have not forgotten you). So we urge you to spread the word.

In the coming weeks, we are also going to introduce a contest with an actual decent prize. More to come on that.

In the meantime, take a good look at our past posts, because we are going forward and we're not looking back. Hopefully. (Did we leave the stove on? We'd better go back and check.)

#11: "OOOOOOOOH, That Smarts!": ThisJustIn (9/9/08)


At first glance, these seem like random words. And, yes, they are. But they also happen to be types of a certain living thing. Your job is to figure out what it is.

Here's a clue: the reason why this is being filled under ThisJustIn is because this living this was prominent in the news fairly recently. Conventionally, I should give another more obvious clue. But I'm not. I do have a Heart, though, so don't be mad at me.

Friday, July 11, 2008

We Never Call, But We Still Love

There has not been a post since May, which is our bad. Seriously, how could this happen? Anyway, that's enough of beating ourselves up.

In the coming days, this site will go through a slight change. We're going to add some new features and maybe even take some away (gasp). But the most important thing is that we are going to make a huge effort to make weekly updates. For real this time. Stop looking at us like that.

In the meantime, we've got some loose ends to tie up. There are a series of posts that need some questions answered. So check out some of the past posts and get caught up.

Here's to a prolific summer!

Monday, May 5, 2008

#10: "Well This Explains A Lot...": ThisJustIn (5/5/08)

So, I was reading the newspaper this morning while enjoying my French Toast when I came across a small article. Although it was tiny, this article opened my eyes as wide as they could go.

It turns out that, according to a credible National Governing Body, a recent study shows that 58% of African American children don't know how to do what?

Let's keep the responses relatively PC, ok? Save the racist jokes for another blog...

ANSWER TIME: I can say that I am a part of this statistic (which explains the title of this post)... TAKE A DEEP BREATH

Thursday, April 10, 2008

#9: "From Alpha To...": WhoIsDat (4/10/08)

Alright, what can we say about this CelebriTot? This actress is prolific in the Hollywood industry (but you already knew that). A fluent Welsh speaker, her father was the manager of a candy factory. It may explain why she is fan of musicals like Mary Poppins (or maybe Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...). I guess her love of musicals did not help her singing career, only one single made it to the Top 75 (in the UK). She was a feature in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World" which is great. However, in one year, she dropped from #68 to #82. But to end on a good note, she and her husband of almost 8 years share the same birthday (so no excuse for forgetting).


She's so cute in that picture. She's only gotten better... IN THE FLESH

We're BACK!

Boy, does it feel good to be home. Thank you to everyone who have been so supportive during the last month. It has really helped.

But now, onto business. Say What? is back and ready to kick it into full gear. All new questions are coming your way, and we are looking for more and more people to come to this site.

We've also got a few writing spots open, so if you think you've got some talent, flaunt it on this site!

Finally, in the coming weeks, we hope to be premiering some new features on this site that we think you will enjoy.

That's it for now, so onto the good stuff!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On Hiatus In 3...2...1...

Hey everyone.

Say What? will be going on hiatus for a little while. Now some of you may be asking "What's the difference, it's not like you guys update every day or something?" And you would have a point. However, some unfortunate events in the last few weeks have been keeping me from doing periodic updates like I wanted. It's not necessary to go into the details, but right now there is a family emergency going on. It's nothing that you guys need to worry about.

Anyway, we'll be posting the answers to the other posts we've done before we sign off for a while. We expect to be back up and running by the end of the month, so check in then.

Thank you to everyone who has visited, posted, or shown some sort of appreciation for this site. You don't know how much we appreciate it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#8: "Stretching The Truth": BoguSpitfire (3/5/08)

I'm on a roll today. Either that, or I'm procrastinating like nobody's business. In any case, you are treated to a double dosage today. This is the premier of BoguSpitfire, were you'll be subjected to a series of true or false statements. Your job is to separate the real from the fake.

Sometimes I wish I could take my study materials for school, place them flat on my forehead, and imprint all of that information into my brain. Granted, it would probably be backwards, but I could work with that. Then I would take that imprint and stretch it out so that I cover as much of my brain as possible.

Interestingly enough, this would be possible if my head were made of Silly Putty, which is our BoguSpitfire category for today. Coming at you are 5 statements about the play toy that you love to get stuck in your shag carpets.

One of the ingredients in the composition of Silly Putty is used to make pesticide.
#2: Silly Putty's recognizable egg shaped container has been used since they started selling it in 1949.
#3: If you put the egg with the Silly Putty inside into water, it will float; If you put the Silly Putty itself in the same water, it will sink.
#4: Silly Putty has been in orbit, specifically in 1968 with the Apollo 8 mission.
#5: Today, you can buy Silly Putty in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, and silver.

#7: "Sometimes One Hand Is All A Man Needs": Fictionary (3/5/08)

ARRRRG! English! Grammar! So scary! But you can make it through this post. I know you can.

We now open up the Fictionary and randomly place our finger on a random word on a random page... *thunk* Let's see what we've got:

Ahhh... this is a good one. "Tesseradecades" has a very special property attached to it. If you were to take you hands and place them on a standard "QWERTY" keyboard, you can type this word using only you left hand. It's actually one of the three longest words you can do that with (with the other two being aftercataracts and sweaterdresses).

I'll open the floor to suggestions as to what this word means, and then later on I'll provide a few possible definitions. No cheating either. Cause that's no fun, is it?

Side Note: It is debatable whether the final "e" in the word is actually included. But for our purposes, we're gonna leave it there.

ANSWER TIME: No jokes here... LOOK IT UP!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

#6: "He's A Pinhead Wizard": WhaddaYaCallIt (3/4/08)

I know, I know, two posts in one day? This is crazy! Don't get used to it. I'm just killing time before class starts at 10AM.

All I can tell you about this item is that it is spherical, fits in the palm of your hand, and it is very smooth to the touch. It is a part of a larger component, so keep that in mind.

There's not much else that I can, or am willing, to tell you. So get to work. Come on, Lazybones!

ANSWER TIME: This item is pretty obsolete these days. In fact, I can't think of the last time I've used one of these, much less look at one in its natural habitat (it's number 4 on the page)... TOUCH IT, BRING IT, PAY IT

#5: "And The Idiot Is...": RemoteUnControl (3/4/08)

As we turn on the television for RemoteUnControl, this question actually has to do with the presentation of movies. The Oscars have come and gone, but the memories last forever. And as much as people love to remember the glamorous moments, it's a lot cooler and funnier to remember the mess-ups.

The year: 1934, the very first Oscar ceremony, hosted by Will Rogers. The category in question is "Best Director," and when the envelope is opened the words "Come up and get it, Frank!" are exclaimed by Mr. Rogers (heh heh... Mr. Rogers; I wonder if Trolley was there).

This event should have gone through without a hitch. But if that were the case, it wouldn't be on this site. As Frank Capra, director for Lady for a Day, walked up proudly to the stage, something happened. What?

ANSWER TIME: This has to be one of the most heartbreaking stories I've ever heard associated with The Academy Awards. Well, one of the worst. Anyway, the link to the answer is provided; check out the second paragraph... HANKIES READY?

Monday, March 3, 2008


It's been a little while since I've posted something here, so I'll be getting back into the swing of things starting tomorrow. It's finals week here at school, so all I have to do is get through this week and I'll be in the clear fro Spring Break. WOOOOOO, SPRING BREAK!

I'll also be revealing the answers to the past posts; I'll post them in the posts themselves.

I'm still looking for writers who would like to contribute to this site, so if you are interested, please contact me.

Get your brains ready for all new posts...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

#4: "The Little Old Lady Who Lived With A Drug Habit": ThisJustIn (2/5/08)

It's amazing what people will do these days to get a high in America. Take Henrietta Corvin Daise of Oakland Park, Florida. This 62 year old grandmother just posted bail for cocaine possession. She, along with 8 other people, many of them grandkids of hers, were arrested last Friday during a drug raid conducted by police. The fact that a grandmother was arrested for drug possession is crazy enough. However, that's not the question we pose to you today for this edition of ThisJustIn.

The police found a lot a paraphernalia during the raid. But the craziest place cocaine was stashed by Henrietta was located where? Now, keep in mind that we wouldn't feature this story if there wasn't some sort of crazy angle to it. So take a wild shot and try to figure this one out. A hint may come along later in the week. No Cheating...

ANSWER TIME: Well, I was gonna link you to the actual story for the correct answer, however, that page is no longer available (stupid internet). So instead, to bring you the correct answer, I've provided a link to an establishment that is a prolific manufacturer and seller of the location in question... SECRET REVEALED

Sunday, February 3, 2008

#3: "Should You Have That?": CinemaPerplex (2/3/08)

Alright, my little bunnies, it's time for a new challenge. I present to you CinemaPerplex, a round about movies.

People make mistakes. It's human nature. Sometimes, people make mistakes that everyone sees, though not everyone catches. You're about to read about three movies in which a goof by the cast or crew made it past the editing room and onto the big screen. Your job is to choose the real explanation.

A: The 2000 film Gladiator starring Russell Crowe was a big blockbuster hit with audiences, however for some folks, it may have felt like ages before the epic movie finally ended. With all the slashing and killing of big burly men, some movie goers were probably looking at their watches. But for those viewers who had no timepiece to gaze at, all they needed to do was to gaze upon Commodus, a.k.a. Joaquin Phoenix, for in one scene you can see him wearing a digital watch. Rome wasn't built in a day, but I guess the building started in 1972, when the first digital watch was invented and mass produced. And it looks like they had the capability to time how long the construction took. It vexes me, Commodus. I'm terribly vexed.

B: With modern guns replacing traditional swords, the 1996 movie Romeo + Juliet was another chance for Shakespeare to hit the big screen. Leonardo "Romeo" DiCaprio and Claire "Juliet" Danes were the star-crossed lovers in this classic tragedy. One can be pretty sure that if Romeo & Juliet were real people, nobody back in Shakespeare's day would have actually cared about either of them (like we care about Jason & Lauren from The Hills). But if they did treat them like celebrities like we do with the hotties from The Hills, then I'm sure that video cameras would be following R & J. And since the 1996 movie is an accurate representation of Shakespeare's time, then it's no problem that during the movie, one can clearly see a microphone boom in a shot (the first microphone was invented in 1876). Gotta love reality.

C: Even serious movies can slip up. The 1993 movie Schindler's List was critically acclaimed as a riveting look into a piece, albeit small, of the Holocaust. While there is nothing remotely funny about the subject matter, there is something a bit funny about possessing certain technology before everyone else. Granted, Schindler (played wonderfully by Laim Neeson) did have the ability to garner certain material from his supervisors when needed, even the Nazi Party should have had a little trouble getting him an umbrella with a Velcro fastener on it. So unless the Third Reich had access to a time machine and could fast forward to 1948, which was when Velcro was invented, Schindler would probably have to cross that item of of his shopping list.

ANSWER TIME: Time to clear the smoke screen and find out with is the true story. The IMDb page of the correct answer has been linked for you... SHOWTIME!

Friday, February 1, 2008

#2: "A Cool Breeze Of A Puzzle": WhoIsDat (2/1/08)

Thanks to everyone who has posted something so far. I'll keep the Whaddayacallit up for a few more days before I reveal the answer, so keep those ideas coming.

Now it's time for a new game, this time called WhoIsDat, where now we are dealing with people. Your job this time: figure out who this person is. Of course, some clues will be provided.

This celebrity for our first WhoIsDat is mainly famous for their work in movies, though they have been on TV. In fact, this star has been in over 50 films and television shows. This celeb once held a job as a ice skate sharpener (what fun). But I guess that makes sense since they were an MVP on the high school hockey team as a goalie. Honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, I guess the only thing left to ask is...
WhoIsDat? You know where to post. (Also, try to refrain from extensively using Google or IMDB to get the answer. Try making a guess using your own brain power...)

ANSWER TIME: To bring you the identity of this person, we've provided a link to their IMDb page, so that you may fawn over their illustrious carrier... START FAWNING

Thursday, January 31, 2008

#1: "Say What? Premier" WhaddaYaCallIt (1/31/08)

I'm starting a new feature on this blog. Every week I'll pose a question and we'll see how many people come up with the correct answer. This first edition is call Whaddayacallit. I'll present a picture of something and your job is to tell me what it is or what it is used for. I'll give you some clues to help you, but the rest is on you. Let's begin.

This week's Whaddayacallit is a common household item that most everyone owns. It comes in a set, it's small and white-ish, and comes with screws. That's all I'm willing to say for now. I may pose more clues later. So...

What is this thing? Post all responses on the comment section of this post. Thanks A Lot!

ANSWER TIME: Ok, it's been a little while, so it's time to reveal the answer to this one. To bring you the correct answer, I've provided a link to the website where you can purchase this object... TAKE A LOOK